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No Limit Pop Up

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The ‘No Limit Borås’ street art festival 2015 was a fantastic spectacle once again, but then we always knew it would be.

As too was the accompanying Pop Up Art show, hosted by us. The artist line up was unbelievable, with artworks available from such names as Laurence Vallières, Inti, Logan Hicks, DALeast, Joe Iurato, Dulk, David Zinn, PichiAvo, Curiot, Ollio, Issac Cordal, Peeta, Ekta, The London Police, Nira Dahan, Simple, Appear37/Adam Algotsson and Shai Dahan.

This was some group show for the good folk of Borås, and we’re happy to report that many of the artworks found homes in Borås or elsewhere in Sweden, which of course is fantastic!

Be sure to check out our instagram / Facebook  to see a few updates from the festival and the artists.

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